Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We'll we thought we'd give you a little update since we haven't been able to put a show together in a while though not from lack of trying. A few of our hosts have decided to move on with life and the others have just been having really hectic schedules.

One minor change we're going to be making to the show is that we're going to be shortening the shows into a 30 minute size so they can be fit onto a cd for easy play. Aside from that we're also going to be changing the segments a bit into a more structured format.

Keep on Listening

Monday, August 11, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 11

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

Segment 1 - Homebrew - It's place in the Hobby

Segment 2 - Familiars / Pets / Animal Companions in a Game

Segment 3 - The Importance of Failing

On this episode we had problems with our audio levels and we apologize in advance. I tried to balance so it was audible.
Heart of the Hunter

Intro Music by Etherdust - Take My Place
Outro Music by Megaphone - Stain
Both Provided by

Episode 11 Download

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

An Update!

Just an update for our fans regarding the emails we've been recieving about Podfading. We are still around and contining to work on material for new shows it just seems that this summer has been particularlly hectic for our Hosts.

John is working at the moment.
Kathy is working on her art commissions.
Johnny is trying to make up some work he didn't do in college.
Jermiah is working and going through some Personal stuff.
Will is well Will, but he's still waiting for us to get around and record something heh.

So thanks for all the comments and stay posted for new content real soon!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 10

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

Segment 1 - New Players Vs. Old Players (Fresh New Outlooks Vs. Desensitized Gamers)

Segment 2 - Importance of Props at a Game

Segment 3 - Any Game/Setting We'd LARP

Master Plan
Sons of Kyros

Intro Music by Etherdust - Take My Place
Outro Music by Megaphone - Stain
Both Provided by

Episode 10 Download

Monday, March 31, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 9

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

Thieves of Fate - A Live Action Fantasy Game of Stolen Fates

Segment 1 - Knowing the Setting/World/Mood/Theme of Your Game

Segment 2 - Character Plagiarism: Tribute or Insult

Segment 3 - Our Best LARPing Personas

Sons of Kyros
Heart of the Hunter

Intro Music by Etherdust - Take My Place
Outro Music by Megaphone - Not Your Enemy
Both Provided by

Episode 9 Download

Monday, February 25, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 8

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

Thieves of Fate - A Live Action Fantasy Game of Stolen Fates

Segment 1 - Tabletop vs. LARP Scales

Segment 2 - John's Segment: Being Raised by a Closet Gamer

Segment 3 - Dealing with the Pseudo Gamer

After Serenity
Heart of the Hunter
Sons of Kyros

Music by Etherdust - Take My Place Provided by

Episode 8 Download

Monday, February 11, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - [Actual Play] Kill Puppies for Satan

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

An Actual Play of Kill Puppies for Satan!!!
This is really explicit more then normal cause well it's Kill Puppies for Satan! A big thanks to
Vincent Baker for designing such an awesome game!

[AP] Kill Puppies for Satan Download

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 7

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

Kill Puppies for Satan!!!
Thieves of Fate - A Live Action Fantasy Game of Stolen Fates

Segment 1 - The GM's Place in a Game

Segment 2 - Game Attendance

Segment 3 - Elitism at a Game

Dragon's Landing
Sons of Kryos
Yog Radio

Music by Etherdust - Take My Place Provided by

Episode 7 Download

Monday, January 7, 2008

We'd Rather Be LARPing - Episode 6

"On this Episode of We'd Rather Be LARPing"

D&D 4th Edition

Segment 1 - Back Seat Gaming

Segment 2 - Games we Loved but Died

Segment 3 - Observers: Their Place at a LARP

Master Plan
Dragon's Landing
Sons of Kyros

Music by Etherdust - Take My Place Provided by

Episode 6 Download